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Drush: a love story

Thanks to Moshe Weitzman at the latest Drupal Groups Boston meetup, Agaric was introduced, formally, to Drush. Although our paths had crossed in the crowds of modules before, this time it was love at first site.

Here's the first date.

Checked out Drush to the sites/all/modules directory. We expect this to be the last time we have to do this!

sudo svn co file:///srv/svn/agaric/drupal-contrib/5/modules/drush drush

Don't forget to go enable drush just like any other module at Administer » Site building » Modules. You need to!

Agaric set up the symlink as recommended in the README:

sudo ln /var/www/drupal-5_2-test/sites/all/modules/drush/drush.php /usr/bin/drush

OK, so we couldn't get the link to do anything for us. And since we run multisite we're also going to want to create a shortcut where we can hardcode in a default site like

Note that there is key information in the most recent (as of October 9) version of the README that is not in the one packaged with the latest official release (5.x-1.0-beta4 2007-Aug-28), regarding this multisite issue.

(Agaric never said this would be an all-smooth-sailing rose-garden-with-sunshine love story.)

So, the command that works, from the directory sites/all/modules, is:

sudo php ./drush/drush.php -l help

Now to do the first cool thing: install a module.
sudo php ./drush/drush.php -l pm install edit_term

That's about as far as we go on the first date, but we're looking forward to seeing Drush again soon...


Searched words: 
drush = Drupal shell install and update Drupal modules from the command line making deploying, administering, and maintaining Drupal easier


Not working anymore. drush

Not working anymore.

drush Fatal error: Allowed memory size

Can't find anyone with the same issue on the Drush issue queue. Increase our allowed memory over 16 mb? To even have Drush run help???


/Agaric pouts.

Drush in summary

Basically you type the drush command and then the name of the module, from the project page url.

It figures out the latest version all by itself and it goes and gets it.

I have a script wrapping around that to commit it to our SVN repository, though Drush may be able to do that internally now.

You might find useful

Excerpt from the site's description:
"This site comes to the aid of experienced Drupal developers who have discovered that they rely on much the same collection of modules for a particular type of site. Once you've mashed up your collection you can view the generated drush commands and/or download the (UNIX shell) script."

Delete first post, there is a typo..

correct website address is

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